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Hydraulic products, Hydro-Material

Hydraulics and radiators are Hydro-Material’s special expertise

Hydraulic products, Hydro-Material

We have been serving the Finnish manufacturing industry since 1975. In our selection, you will find products from the most well-known manufacturers on the market that are durable and of the highest quality.


Hydro-Material is part of Kraftmek Oy.


Coolers oil / air / water directly from our warehouse. Valmistamme jäähdyttimiä myös mittatilaustyönä.

In our selection you will find oil coolers for almost every destination, e.g.


hydraulic systems

rolling stock, machinery, etc.



oil, water and charge air coolers


gearboxes, lubrication systems




Our selection includes durable and high-quality directional valves. Hydrocontrol and Galtech manufacture both monoblock and block valves for flows from 15 to 1200 liters / min. The valve program is very extensive, as a manufacturer specializing in hydraulic applications for rolling stock has always invested very heavily in product development and finding new solutions.

The Hydrocontrol and Galtech directional control valves are divided into three main categories:


hoist valves

for trucks and forest loaders




tractor applications and other agricultural machinery

Remote controls

We are an importer and wholesaler of quality remote controls suitable for things such as timber loaders, tractors, excavators and wheel loaders. Find out more about our remote controls and contact our sales if you would like to get an offer or more information.

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